April 10, 2024


Greed is the relentless desire for more for yourself. Much has been written about it, and personal illustrations abound. We need to look no further than our own hearts. But we cannot be too aware. Greed is everywhere, and it is deadly.


Jesus warned about greed’s dangers often, for he knew that it is one of the enemy’s primary tools to divert us from simple, pure devotion to God. It is a god that we can run to quickly to find temporary pleasure, and our world is overabundant in its advertisement.

Then He said to them, “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

Every form. Here are 15 thoughts about greed from Luke 12 from the One who made the world and holds it in His hands. He is the One who also made you and knows exactly what you need to live the fullest life imaginable.

  1. Greed comes in multiple forms. (Vs. 15)
  2. Life doesn’t consist of having an abundance of things. (Vs. 15)
  3. Greed is tearing down what you have to build bigger barns and store more. (Vs. 16ff)
  4. Never seek more when you have what is sufficient. (Vs. 16-21)
  5. Greed is trusting our riches to give us security. (Vs. 16-21)
  6. Our lives are uncertain and brief, and we never really own anything. (vs. 20)
  7. We can store up treasures for ourselves and not be rich towards God. (vs. 21)
  8. Worrying about our lives, our food, and our clothing is greed. (vs. 22-23)
  9. Life is much more than stuff. (vs. 23)
  10. God takes care of birds and flowers and will take care of us. (vs. 24ff)
  11. Your Father knows all your needs. All. (vs. 30)
  12. We must seek HIS KINGDOM first, then everything we need will be added. (vs. 31)
  13. We need not fear. Our Father has chosen gladly to give us the kingdom! (vs. 32)
  14. Sell your possessions and give them to charity; you will have an unfailing treasure in heaven that won’t decay. (vs. 33)
  15. Where your treasure is, there your heart is also (vs. 34)

Read those sentences from Christ repeatedly for a week. The man who has embraced Christ’s understanding of greed and lives accordingly will open a treasure that will never be exhausted and live with a peace that cannot be bought.


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