God Only

June 14, 2014

One of the greatest struggles of the Christian life is the challenge to develop an undivided heart. We come to Christ in salvation because our hearts have served others gods and the results have been disastrous. We need what God and God alone can provide.


In the infant days of our salvation, we bask in our new Lord. We turn to Him incessantly and rely on Him exclusively. But Satan is enraged at this affection. His great goal is to lure us away. He comes in a variety of forms and temptations, just as he did to our first parents in the Garden and our Elder Brother in the wilderness. The devil is good at what he does and relentless, because a true believer contains the light that can absolutely destroy him.

When a believer’s heart trusts in God only there is no room for other gods. The Light of Christ pours through the undivided heart and eliminates the darkness of Satan’s kingdom. This is why a believer who loves Jesus with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength is so threatening to Satan’s plans.

The lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life are brought before the believer often. Power, pleasure and prestige are offered. The enemy targets our affections and our faith—who we love and what we trust. He promises happiness, but it is false. For so many believers, the temptation is overwhelming and their heads turn to other gods, often without even realizing what has happened.


It often takes failure and suffering to be reminded that false gods are worthless in time of need. What they offer is fools gold. It is here that we find David in Psalm 62. He is shut up to God and his Psalm reminds us of the singularity of His trust. Notice the emphasized words of solidarity.

My soul, wait in silence for GOD ONLY, for my hope is FROM HIM. HE ONLY is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken. ON GOD my salvation and my glory rest; the rock of my strength, my refuge is IN GOD. Trust IN HIM at all times, O people; pour out your heart BEFORE HIM; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:5-8, emphasis mine)

“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy,” C.S. Lewis said. David is reminding his soul and his people that there is only once source of joy and power. Only One worthy of our undivided love and worship.

The wisest men and women among us have learned this. They have graduated from the immaturity of the quickly turned head and scattered affections. And they become powerfully effective in the advancement of God’s agenda.This is the endgame of personal revival: an undivided heart that can be mightily used as a tool for the rapid advancement of His kingdom.

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